Ramzi Theory Explained

Abdominal and Transvaginal Ultrasounds

In the Ramzi theory world, the topic of abdominal vs transvaginal ultrasounds is ever present. Perhaps the most important thing to note when starting this discussion is that a prediction can be made with Ramzi theory abdominal ultrasound just the same as with Ramzi theory transvaginal ultrasound.

What is the difference then?

The main difference between an abdominal ultrasound and a trasnvagial ultrasound is the way in which they were taken. An external ultrasound – abdominal- is done by pressing the handheld device on the lower abdomen to see the activity in the uterus. On the other hand an internal ultrasound – transvaginal or endovaginal- is taken by inserting a wand a few inches into the vaginal canal to see the activity in the uterus.

Why choose Transvaginal or Abdominal?

If you asked pregnant women which way they prefer their ultrasound to be taken, we believe the majority would say abdominal. Even when the trasnvagianl ultrasound is not painful, it is very intrusive and not necessary if the baby and gestational sac can be seen clearly abdominally. However a trasnvagial ultrasound might be more informative if your technician needs to see your cervix and ovaries.

Does it matter which one is used?

For a Ramzi theory ultrasound, the way it is administered is not relevant, however, it is important to note how the ultrasound was taken as well as be aware of any annotations provided by your ultrasound technician. It is believed that with abdominal scan Ramzi theory should be applied as mirrored image while Ramzi theory transvaginal ultrasounds are true to maternal side, however whether an ultrasound is mirrored or not depends on the setting used by your technician, not by the way it was administered. This means that what one should look at is the plane of the ultrasound as well as the annotations included on the margins of your ultrasound images.

Ramzi theory transvaginal Ultrasound

Instead of defaulting to leaving the sides of trasnvaginal ultrasounds intact, there are a couple tips you can use to see whether it is a mirrored image or not. Most helpful would be the direct information provided by your ultrasound technician at the time of the ultrasound. Simply ask if the image that will be printed and given to you is true to side or if its mirrored. Another was to use Ramzi theory transvaginal ultrasounds is looking at the annotations on your image if provided. The initials TV or Trans most commonly mean that the image is in transverse plane and therefore a mirrored image. In some cases you can also see the annotation Right/Left Flip which means the image is mirrored.

Ramzi Theory Abdominal Ultrasound

These ultrasounds take away the incognito of whether the image is flipped or mirrored as the vast majority are. It is still advised to ask your technician when you receive your ultrasound image which side of the image is right or left. Nevertheless, you can be aware of the annotations provided on the margins of your image to have a wholesome view of your scans and how to apply them to the Ramzi theory.