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The Ramzi Theory


Will it be ?

Want to know your baby's gender today?


2 - Our specialists will analyze it using three gender determination methods with nearly 100% accuracy

Our facilities are dedicated to detect and report gender markers in your ultrasound images. 3 theories Ramzi + Skull + Nub for the price of one

3 - Will it be Boy or Girl? The answer in your inbox within the hour!

Our service is quick and reliable. Submit, purchase and check your email within 60 minutes!

Are you having a Boy or a Girl?
Your first Ultrasound can tell you!

Do you have an ultrasound between 5-10 weeks of pregnancy? Then get your gender prediction today using Ramzi theory, the only researched method to know the sex of your baby at this stage with 97.5% accuracy. Do you have images of further in pregnancy? Add those too!

Our professional team is trained to find and analyze all gender markers throughout pregnancy and will use all methods of determination that apply to your images. The Nub theory can be used with images 12 weeks and beyond to determine the gender of your baby with 98-100% accuracy.


Newly pregnant moms are full of uncertainty, and the more information they have about their baby, the more connected they feel.

The Ramzi Theory is a highly reliable method that determines a baby’s gender at only 6 weeks of gestation. With an accuracy level of 97.5% a trained professional can track the blood flow leading to the future placenta – chorionic villi – and determine the maternal side in which it is being developed, with this knowledge the sex of the baby can be predicted with great precision. 

Dr. Saad Ramzi discovered this method while he researched about XXY syndrome. By studying early pregnancy and fetus development is hundredths of women in a controlled and clinical setting, Dr. Ramzi was able to find the correlation between placenta development and gender determination.

Our professional team specializes in placenta tracking with through diagnostic imaging, experienced in finding the determining markers of sac shape, position and scanning plane of each ultrasound image. Combining these expertise with our exclusive reading technology makes us the number one choice for early gender determination.

Are you bursting with excitement about your new pregnancy and Can’t Wait to know more details about your baby?​


What customers say

Confirmed boy! Just got our NIPT results and it's a boy! I can't believe I got to know at 6 weeks and its been confirmed at just 10 weeks! Thank yuo for making this wait so short for me. I'm ready to start shopping for my little prince!
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Katia A
You predicted my son's ultrasounds correctly so I was excited when you predicted girl this time around. She was born last week and is 100% girl and perfect. Thank you for making this wait a bit more exciting!
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Monica E
It's a girl! Thank you thank you for keeping me excited through the weeks of waiting. I loved seeing what you marked on my ultrasounds. Seeing her little bladder and spine and umbilical cord was so special. Thank you!
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Paola D
I'm sure you'd like to know that your prediction was correct! Thank you for showing me the nub and all the different features on my ultrasounds. 100% Recommend!
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Cohoe H
So worth it! We had great experience with customer service and really enjoyed the explanation we got for all three theories. We are indeed having a healthy baby boy!
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Olivia U
I have seen lots of predictions and none compare to this service. It's so apparent that this is a professional service. Thank you for answering all my questions and you were correct! Finally getting my little princess!
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Melanie G
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  • shop@ramzitheory.us
  • 300B Princeton Hightstown Rd, East Windsor, NJ 08520, USA


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